
Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion may 2025 
Cantorial Ordination & Masters in Sacred Music

  • student representative for the class of 2025

  • recipient of the Herman E. Snyder Alumni Prize 2020-2021

  • recipient of the Cantor Edward R. Fogel - St. Louis Circle of Jewish Music Prize for Vocal Development 2021-22 & 2023-24

  • recipient of the The Rabbi Sarah Messinger Prize 2022-23

  • recipient of the The Sarah Lantz Human Relations Prize 2022-23

  • recipient of the Palm Beach Culture Prize for Liturgical Cultural Foundation 2023-24

Chicago College of Performing Arts - Roosevelt University may 2013
B.M. in Jazz & Contemporary Studies, Vocal Focus

Jewish Work Experience

Central Synagogue, New York, NY
Cantorial Intern
August 2022- present

  • Leads Worship and Ritual

    • Friday Nights

    • Mishkan Saturday Morning Service

    • 20s/30s Group

    • Shabbat B’yachad (Tot Shabbat)

  • Chants Torah

  • Assists in leading Shirim Team (community singing group)

  • Works one on one with students to learn their Torah and haftarah portions and all the blessings and prayers they will lead at their B’nai Mitzvah.

  • Provides music for community events

Temple Anshe Amunim, Pittsfield, MA
High Holiday Cantorial Intern
September-October 2022 & 2023

  • Led Worship & Ritual for Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur

Washington Hebrew Congregation, Washington, DC
Student Cantor
July 2021- April 2022
• Led Worship

• Created curriculum and instructed the 5th/6th grade B’nai Mitzvah prep class

• Programed and performed concerts for the community

• Led Torah Study

Congregation Beth Elohim, Brooklyn, NY
B’nai Mitzvah Tutor
August 2021- April 2022

• Worked one on one with students to learn their Torah and haftarah portions and all the blessings and prayers they will lead at their B’nai Mitzvah.

Beth Emet, the Free Synagogue, Evanston, Il
Cantorial Soloist - Songleader - Hebrew Teacher
July 2012-July 2021

• Led Saturday morning worship services

• Led Sunday morning T’fillah with grades PK-6th

• Taught 6th grade Hebrew twice a week

• Created and Led the Beth Emet Jr Choir

• Subbed for the Cantor

• Programmed and led shmoozica (a parent-child music class for shabbat)

• Assists the Cantor for extra musical programming

Temple Sholom, Chicago, Il
Cantorial Soloist - Pre School Music Teacher
September 2015- May 2020

  • Led the 20s/30s service monthly

  • Taught secular and religious music to ages 18 months-six year old weekly

  • Subbed for the Cantor

JCC Apachi Day Camp, Chicago, IL
Summers 2017-2018

·       Song-led with campers ages 4-8

·       Led a shabbat sing-a-long every Friday

Anshe Emet Synagogue, Chicago, IL
Song-leader and Cantorial Soloist

·       Co-led young family services

·       Taught religious music weekly to ages 4-11

Akiba-Schechter Preschool, Chicago, IL
Pre-School Music Teacher

·       Taught religious and secular music weekly to ages 18 months-six years old


Freelance Musician, Chicago, Il
Performer - Teacher - Composer

  • performed jazz and contemporary music at events

  • arranged and composed music

  • Subbed as a Cantorial Soloist for B’nai Mitzvahs or services in the Chicago area

  • Taught contemporary voice, guitar, piano lessons to ages 5-adult

Elle Casazza Band, Chicago, Il
Lead Singer - Songwriter - Music Director - Band Manager

  • wrote and arranged original music for a five piece band

  • sang and fronted the band

  • booked and organized tours and local shows

  • promoted and produced studio albums


20 years of private voice training - Intermediate Hebrew - Guitar - Piano - Ukulele - Basic Audio Engineering - Basic Video Editing - Songwriting - Basic Conducting

Publications & Recordings

Shabbos Dreams (album) - November 1, 2023

“Zamru Ladonai” - Resounding Voices (online book) - Women’s Sacred Music Project - October, 2023

“Oseh Shalom” - Shabbat Anthology X (book) - Transcontinental Music - March, 2023

“Ki Karov Eilecha” - Attitude of Gratiude (album) - Jay Rapoport - January 21, 2022